I read this terrific post today about the importance of getting input from others. The author basically says "before you make any big life decision, take 50 people…
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Apple had one of their fancy product introduction events today. Did you notice that there wasn’t a single mention of desktops or laptops? None. Only mobile devices. Wondering…
Read moreI mentioned in a previous post about our internal initiative to build and launch the brainchild of one of our Technical Architects, Francis Cleary. A devoted user of…
Read moreI had lunch today with the VP Engineering at CloudVelocity, and congratulated him having just closed on a $13 million round of new funding. Sumit Chachra (our CTO)…
Read moreWithout a doubt, the thing I love most about running Tivix is that I get to work with brilliant, energetic talent every day. Being surrounded by this team…
Read moreThis week we launched a complete revamp of Tivix.com, and I thought I’d write a few words about the process. Firms like ours are definitely susceptible to the…
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